Bob Wichmann Insurance
Bob Wichmann Insurance
815 S Volusia Ave Ste 4
Orange City,FL32763

(386) 775-8805

The goal of life insurance is a simple one – to make sure that your family is taken care of in case you should die prematurely. The emotional stress of losing a loved one is traumatic enough, but you don’t want your family dealing with financial stress too.

Helpful toolsAge predictor
Frequently asked questions Help your family remain financially secure

When shopping for life insurance you need to consider the financial needs of your family such as mortgage balance, outstanding debt, children’s education, final expenses and helping your family maintain their current lifestyle.

Getting life insurance sooner pays off

One other thing to remember when it comes to life insurance – the younger and healthier you are, the more insurable you are and, therefore, the better your rates. So, if you purchase your policy early in life and live a healthy lifestyle, you can guarantee yourself some of the best rates available.

In order to ensure appropriate coverage, you first need to understand the benefits of each type of insurance, check out these pages to learn more:

â– Term life
â– Whole life
â– Universal life
Talk to a Cotton States financial representative

A representative of Cotton States Insurance cannot only help you determine the type of insurance, but also help you figure how much life insurance you may need. Plus, if you are a woman, senior, or a parent of a young child, you can discuss your unique needs with your Cotton States financial representative.

Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily want to rely on life insurance coverage (usually term) that you have through your employer. In most cases, coverage ends when your employment does. Having your own personal policy assures that you are covered at all times, regardless of your employment status.

Life insurance can be complex – let a Cotton States financial representative make it easier to understand. Your financial representative will give you straightforward, honest answers to your questions and help you determine the coverage that will best benefit you and your family.

You’ll sleep better at night knowing that if the worst should happen, your family will be covered.

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