B Murray Insurance Agency Inc
B Murray Insurance Agency Inc
682 S Yonge St # A
Ormond Beach,FL32174
(386) 673-0691

Murray Insurance vs. the Insurance Companies - It costs the same!
Having an agent costs the same as going directly to an insurance company. In fact it could save you time, money and aggravation.

Going directly to an insurance company to save money on your health insurance policy will not produce any results. Whether a consumer goes through an agent or directly to an insurance company the cost of the same policy is exactly the same. Insurance companies are obliged by law to charge the same rate.

Having an agent will benefit you in many ways:

1.By finding the policy that best fits you and your family's needs and budget- Health insurance is a critical decision for you and your families well being. Having an expert walking you through your options will give you a peace of mind.
2.Helping you weed out what you don't need on a policy saving you money!
3.Helping you cut through red tape with the insurance company.
4.They will work with the insurance company on your behalf
5.We will get the job done
6.We have the experience- Murray Insurance has been in business since 1981 and have assisted over 150,000 individuals with their insurance
7.It costs you nothing extra!

For more insurance information contact us.
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